RFID vs Radio Communication Technology

May 01, 2022


The advancements in technology have made it more convenient for businesses to manage their assets and inventory. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Radio Communication Technology (RCT) are two common methods used to identify and track inventory. In this article, we'll compare RFID and RCT, and help you understand the pros and cons of each method.

What is RFID Technology?

RFID is a wireless technology that uses electromagnetic fields to identify and track objects. The RFID tag contains a microchip and an antenna, which are used to transmit data to an RFID reader. The RFID reader captures the signal and sends the information to a computer system.

RFID technology is widely used in retail, logistics, and supply chain management, as it provides accurate identification and tracking of inventory.

What is Radio Communication Technology?

Radio Communication Technology (RCT) is a communication technology that uses radio waves to transmit signals. RCT systems use handheld radios or walkie-talkies to communicate between different locations.

RCT technology is typically used for communication purposes, such as between security personnel, maintenance teams, and other staff.

Comparison between RFID and RCT


Cost is a crucial factor businesses consider when choosing between RFID and RCT. The cost of RFID tags and readers can range from a few cents up to several dollars. The cost of implementing RFID technology may be high upfront, but it is likely to save more money in the long-term, as it requires less manpower to track inventory.

On the other hand, RCT systems are relatively cheaper to implement as it only requires handheld radios or walkie-talkies.


RFID technology has limited range and requires the tag to be in close proximity to the reader. The range of RFID technology is typically around 10 meters. RFID technology is suitable for indoor inventory tracking, as the limited range ensures accurate identification and tracking of inventory.

In contrast, RCT systems have a more extended range and can be used for communication over longer distances. RCT systems are suitable for outdoor communication purposes, such as between security personnel and field workers.


RFID technology provides accurate identification and tracking of inventory, thanks to its ability to detect individual tags. RFID technology can identify items even if they are stacked or bundled together.

RCT systems, on the other hand, rely on voice communication, which can be prone to errors due to miscommunication.


Implementing RFID technology requires a significant investment, as it requires the installation of RFID readers, tags, and software systems. The implementation process also requires specialized knowledge in RFID technology.

RCT systems, on the other hand, are relatively easy to implement as it only requires handheld radios or walkie-talkies.


RFID technology and RCT systems serve different purposes, and both have their pros and cons. RFID technology is ideal for accurate identification and tracking of inventory in warehouse and retail environments. On the other hand, RCT systems are suitable for communication purposes between staff in outdoor and remote locations.

Before choosing between RFID and RCT technology, businesses should consider their specific needs and budget. Implementing an RFID or RCT system can have a significant impact on workflow and efficiency.


  1. "RFID vs Barcode vs QR Code: What's the Difference?". RFID Insider. Accessed on June 15, 2022.
  2. "Radio vs. Wi-Fi vs. RFID Frequencies". RFID Technology. Accessed on June 15, 2022.
  3. "RFID vs. Bluetooth vs. NFC: What's the difference?". RFID Arena. Accessed on June 15, 2022.

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